Assorted macarons – Paul

Assorted macarons - Paul
Chocolate, coconut, raspberry, citron, caramel, pistachio. 8,70€
Paul, Paris FR

Assorted macarons - Paul
I grabbed these macarons at Gare du Nord. I had bought some fancier ones from Pierre Herme as gifts. I later found that the Pierre Herme macarons didn’t survive the hot weather though, aww. 😦 The Paul macarons did survive. I ate some on the train leaving Paris and they were pretty good. They definitely weren’t as soft and delicate as the ones from Pierre Herme. Those were super fancy and expensive.

Gare du Nord
Gare du Nord train station. I love the public transportation in Paris, it’s SO much more extensive and efficient than what we have in San Francisco (Muni and Bart both suck!).

Roasted half pigeon – L’Epigramme

Roasted half pigeon - L'Epigramme
Demi pigeon roti, aubergine. Roasted potatoes, eggplant, two types of root purees. Entree/Plat/Dessert option 28€
L’Epigramme, Paris FR

Roasted half pigeon - L'Epigramme
When I saw pigeon on the menu, I know I had to try it! And I’m SO glad I did because everything on the plate was absolutely amazing! The pigeon was fairly pink so I was initially wary (maybe I should have asked for well done), but it actually tasted great and was super tender. I immediately fell in love with the potatoes and eggplant; they were expertly prepared and SO delicious! The purees were also very flavorful and I just wanted to lick my plate clean. NOM NOMS!

Chardonnay and rose - L'Epigramme
Chardonny and rose wines.
You really can’t eat a meal of this caliber and not have some wine! This was a perfect lunch and a great way to spend our last full day in Paris.

Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower, Champ de Mars. Wow, the area around the Eiffel Tower is so unreal. The place is completely unique and doesn’t remind me of anywhere else in the world. There’s so much green space and the tower is an enormous and majestic beacon visible from anywhere. SO awesome!

Beef roll ups – L’Arganier

Beef roll ups - L'Arganier
Flatbread filled with beef, cheese, tomato, pickle. Complimentary
L’Arganier, Paris FR

We had sat down outside this restaurant for a quick drink break from walking around. After we had ordered our drinks, the waitress brought us this plate of roll ups which we weren’t expecting. We really liked her and thought that this was cute. We noticed that we were the only table to get the complimentary snacks in our area and we really weren’t sure why. It’s times like this when it would’ve been great to know French. 🙂

Les Invalides
L’Hotel national des Invalides (Les Invalides). This huge complex is pretty impressive, but the Hardouin Mansart chapel dome is certainly the centerpiece.