Crispy apple turnovers – L’Epigramme

Crispy apple turnovers - L'Epigramme
Croustillant de pomme au caramel. Feuille de brick, apples, caramel sauce, toasted almonds, powdered sugar. Entree/Plat/Dessert option 28€
L’Epigramme, Paris FR

This was a perfect ending to a perfect meal! It was quite large so I’m glad we only had this one dessert and could share. I enjoyed that the pastry wasn’t overly sweet and that you could wipe up the rich, dark caramel sauce to your liking. The puff pastry was wonderfully thin and crispy and the apple filling was warm and delicious. Thank you L’Epigramme!

Petit Palais
The Petit Palais, City of Paris Museum of Fine Arts. I loved how they painted (or covered) the ionic columns in different colors. 🙂

Roasted sablefish – L’Epigramme

Roasted sablefish - L'Epigramme
Lieu noir roti, croustillant de risotto. Pollock, crispy fried risotto, root puree, foam, sprout. Entree/Plat option 24€
L’Epigramme, Paris FR

Mmm, another beautiful and delicious dish from L’Epigramme! It was a simple preparation but the fish was cooked perfectly and the accompaniments tasted amazing. The crispy polenta was warm and comforting, and the sauce worked well with the sablefish. Noms!

Bread - L'Epigramme
Bread. Complimentary

Ecole Militarie
Ecole Militarie (Paris Military School), Champs de Mars. This huge school sits on the opposite side of the Champs de Mars from the Eiffel Tower. It’s not very pretty since it’s just a huge dirt field as you approach.

Roasted half pigeon – L’Epigramme

Roasted half pigeon - L'Epigramme
Demi pigeon roti, aubergine. Roasted potatoes, eggplant, two types of root purees. Entree/Plat/Dessert option 28€
L’Epigramme, Paris FR

Roasted half pigeon - L'Epigramme
When I saw pigeon on the menu, I know I had to try it! And I’m SO glad I did because everything on the plate was absolutely amazing! The pigeon was fairly pink so I was initially wary (maybe I should have asked for well done), but it actually tasted great and was super tender. I immediately fell in love with the potatoes and eggplant; they were expertly prepared and SO delicious! The purees were also very flavorful and I just wanted to lick my plate clean. NOM NOMS!

Chardonnay and rose - L'Epigramme
Chardonny and rose wines.
You really can’t eat a meal of this caliber and not have some wine! This was a perfect lunch and a great way to spend our last full day in Paris.

Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower, Champ de Mars. Wow, the area around the Eiffel Tower is so unreal. The place is completely unique and doesn’t remind me of anywhere else in the world. There’s so much green space and the tower is an enormous and majestic beacon visible from anywhere. SO awesome!

Foie gras cuit au torchon – L’Epigramme

Foie gras cuit au torchon - L'Epigramme
Duck liver cooked “in a towel” (usually shaped into a log shape using cheesecloth or plastic wrap), watermelon gelee, sprouts (+3€ supplemental). Entree/Plat/Dessert option 28€
L’Epigramme, Paris FR

Like I said in a previous post, this was our favorite meal/restaurant during our trip. The place is actually really small without any sidewalk tables, but I think they can seat a few people outside in their adjacent patio. There seemed to be 5 people working here – an older man and woman along with a younger lady worked the front, and two guys worked the small kitchen which was visible from the small dining room.

The woman (probably in her 40’s?) was our waitress and she was amazing! She knew just a little more English than we knew French (which is barely anything), but she did a great job explaining all the menu items through gestures and broken English phrases, bless her! There were no paper menus, but a 3-foot tall dry erase board that she brought to the table for us to look at. Later, she had to grab the other dry erase board hanging outside the front door because there were more tables ordering. It thought that was charming. 🙂

Foie gras cuit au torchon - L'Epigramme
I’m sorry to all the animal activists, but I had to order foie gras since it’s banned in California. Ok, I’m not actually sorry, hehe. I love this stuff! What I do feel bad about was having to eat this entire thing on my own because my dining partner doesn’t like foie gras. But I was NOT about to let a good thing go to waste! It was absolutely delicious, but way too much for just one person. I thought the presentation was beautiful and the little watermelon gelee logs were super cute.

Arc de Triomphe
Arc de Triomphe, Place Charles de Gaulle. This triumphal arch commemorates the soldiers from the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. It’s a pretty magnificent sight to see!

Cucumber gazpacho – L’Epigramme

Cucumber gazpacho - L'Epigramme
Gaspacho de concombre. Entree/Plat option 24€
L’Epigramme, Paris FR

We came to this randomly located restaurant for lunch because I read good blog reviews for it online. OMG, I’m so glad we did because this was the BEST meal we had in Paris! I will qualify that statement by saying that we really didn’t do any crazy fancy, expensive restaurants because we still had a wedding to attend followed by a London visit. And we knew that our wallets were gonna feel really empty after everything was said and done.

Anyway, L’Epigramme offered an appetizer/entree or entree/dessert option for 24€ OR an appetizer/entree/dessert option for 28€. Because we’re not big dessert people, we had one of each option so that we could at least try one of the desserts. For the quality of the food we received, these prices were amazing!

This cucumber gazpacho was so refreshing and had a wonderful flavor. I think it was beautifully prepared!

Cauliflower spread - L'Epigramme
Cauliflower spread and crostini. Complimentary amuse bouche
We weren’t expecting an amuse bouche, so this was a pleasant surprise. It seemed a fairly simple dish, but it was SO delicious and the texture of the finely chopped cauliflower was great.

Fountain at the Champ de Mars
Fountain at the Champ de Mars. This green space adjacent to the Eiffel Tower is really pretty, but seems SO large on a hot day filled with nonstop walking, lol!