Fresh fruit salad – Laduree

Fresh fruit salad - Laduree
Pineapple, mango, orange, guava, passion fruit, kiwi, raspberry, strawberry, mint, grapefruit. £6.80
Laduree, London ENGLAND

This was a pretty fancy bowl of fruit! I was very impressed at how many different fruits they included. I was on vacation so that’s why I could justify spending that much on fruit salad, hehe! 🙂

Covent Garden Market
Covent Garden Market. You can spend plenty of time looking through the shops and searching for food at this popular tourist destination.

Eggs benedict – Cote

Eggs benedict - Cote
Ham and poached egg on a toasted muffin with homemade hollandaise sauce. £7.50
Cote, London ENGLAND

This tasted ok, but it was kinda cold. Cold hollandaise sauce is not appetizing to me especially when it starts congealing, ew! Actually, everything we ordered at Cote was just ok and nothing special. You win some, you lose some I guess…

Bloody mary - Cote
Bloody mary: Absolut vodka (50ml) with spicy tomato juice and celery. £3.95
Ugh, this tasted gross! It was pretty much just watered down, bland tomato juice. There was absolutely no spice (or alcohol) in there! 😦

Condiments - Cote
Condiments. Brown sauce is completely lost on me, lol!

Rugby (BT Broadband) ad
Rugby (BT Broadband) ad, King’s Cross St. Pancras station. And don’t forget to “MIND THE GAP”! 🙂

Avocado and poached egg – The Breakfast Club

Avocado and poached egg - The Breakfast Club
With fresh chillies and lime on toasted multigrain bloomer, and chorizo. £9
The Breakfast Club, London ENGLAND

Omg, this is not what we expected! Is this a normal English breakfast dish? We were surprised to be served a couple pieces of toast covered with a huge pile of guacamole topped with a poached egg, lol! We almost burst out laughing when it came to the table because it was so unexpected. It tasted ok enough. The avocado could have been seasoned a bit more though. The chorizo was optional and I’m glad we added it because it made the plate more substantial.

Juices - The Breakfast Club

Slow Boy juice: apple, carrot, orange, ginger. £4.10
Orange juice. £3
Mmm, the Slow Boy juice was very tasty as was the orange juice. They juice everything to order so it was nice and fresh!

Chinatown gate
Chinatown gate. I was surprised that compare to San Francisco, London’s Chinatown was super small! Huh.