Blood orange mojito – Alicante

Blood orange mojito - Alicante

Fresh muddled blood oranges, mint, lime, Captain Morgan Lime Bite. $10
Alicante, Palm Springs CA

Uh, this drink was super tart and the flavors weren’t sharp and crisp tasting so as a result it wasn’t very refreshing. Not my favorite cocktail…

Rainmaker Fountain
Rainmaker Fountain, North Palm Canyon Drive.

First crop fig and burrata – Jardiniere

First crop fig and burrata - Jardiniere
Cress, prosciutto, toasted baguette. Tasting menu $140
Jardiniere, San Francisco CA

First crop fig and burrata - Jardiniere
Mmm, silky burrata! I’ve actually never thought of pairing fig with burrata before but it’s a delicious combination. I appreciated the variety of textures and flavors in the dish and everything worked well together.

Purisima Creek Redwoods

Purisima Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve.

Bialy and local smoked salmon – Wise Sons Jewish Delicatessen

Bialy and local smoked salmon - Wise Sons Jewish Delicatessen
With Sierra Nevada cream cheese, tomato, red onions and capers, pickle. Closed-faced $9
Wise Sons Jewish Delicatessen, San Francisco CA

I really liked this smoked salmon bialy. The beer cream cheese had great flavor and wasn’t as heavy as normal cream cheese. The salmon also seemed lighter and fresher. Overall, it was a great way to start the day.

Condiments - Wise Sons Jewish Delicatessen


Narrowleaf self-heal

Narrowleaf self-heal (Prunella vulgaris var. lanceolata, Lamiaceae), Purisima Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve.