Assorted cheese plate – La Perle

Assorted cheese plate - La Perle
Planche de fromages. Bleu d’auvergne AOP, emmental, Cantal AOP, camembert. 13€
La Perle, Paris FR

Omg, when this came out we were unsure if we had miscommunicated with the waitress and were subsequently served 2 orders of the cheese plate. Our French is nonexistent and she wasn’t completely fluent with English (god bless her for baring with us). There was SO much cheese! Instead of worrying about it, we decided to just go with the flow and eat. We if had to pay for 2 cheese plates we were fine with that. The cheeses were delicious and very filling. I was fooled by the hard pat of butter on the plate which I mistook for another cheese, lol! In my defense it really tasted different from American butter, hehe. I’m still puzzled why they serve butter with cheese and charcuterie as if any more fat is needed. There was no way we were going to finish this cheese plate so we ate as much as we could. It ended up being a single order! Sheesh, how can anyone eat that much cheese. 🙂

Sliced baguette - La Perle
Sliced baguette. Complimentary

The Wall for Peace

The Wall for Peace, Champs de Mars. Clara Halter and Jean-Michel Wilmotte, 2000. Inspired by the Wailing Wall of Jerusalem.

Croque madame – La Cooperative

Croque madame - La Cooperative
De pain de campagne, frites et salade. Ham and cheese sandwich topped with fried egg, country bread, French fries and salad. 9,90€
La Cooperative, Paris FR

I thought I’d try a croque madame in France! Hmm, I’m not sure if this is how they’re supposed to be normally, but I wasn’t a fan. The bread was really toasted, as evidenced by the dark broiled cheese and dry edges, so it was hard and difficult to eat. I’m used to croque madames that are softly oozing with melted cheese and perhaps some bechamel thrown in for added moisture. This plate was gigantic though so it was a great value. I could only eat half of it, but the girl at the table next to us had no trouble finishing hers off, omg! The fries were also limp and bland.

Louvre Museum
Louvre Museum. Everything is so huge in Paris! The number of beautiful buildings is astounding so it’s not difficult to constantly be snapping pics. We walked the grounds of the Louvre but never made it inside. We didn’t want to bother with the long line and we were getting too tired to fully appreciate such a large museum once inside.

Ham and cheese omelette – Le Rostand

Ham and cheese omelette - Le Rostand
Omelette mixte (jambon et fromage). Garnished with chopped chives. 10€
Le Rostand, Paris FR

This cafe is conveniently located across from the Luxembourg Garden. There’s plenty of seats outside and they’re all covered by their awning. The staff is very nice and professional and the food was delicious. Omg, this omelet was huge! And perfectly cooked. It was soft and oozing with cheese – a perfect meal to kickstart a day of sightseeing.

Coffee - Le Rostand

Palais du Luxembourg
Palais du Luxembourg. This beautiful is the seat of the French Senate. Wow, what a great work location! And it’s in the Jardin du Luxembourg which is a picturesque setting.