Sauteed spicy lime-drizzled shrimp – Alicante

Sauteed spicy lime-drizzled shrimp - Alicante
Garlic, cherry tomato, chilies. $6
Alicante, Palm Springs CA

This dish was light and refreshing, but I guess I was wanting something more rich like a traditional gambas al ajillo. There was more citrus in this preparation than garlic and butter. It was still pretty tasty, but not what I was craving.

Joshua Tree National Park
Large rock formations, Joshua Tree National Park.

Charred duck heart and porcini – Jardiniere

Charred duck heart and porcini - Jardiniere
Black cherry, mustard. Tasting menu $140
Jardiniere, San Francisco CA

I don’t think I could have ever thought that pairing duck heart, mushroom, and cherry would work but it was actually pretty great. I wouldn’t want any more of the duck hearts than the portion on the plate since it was very rich, but it was nice to get offal as part of a tasting menu.

Mushroom broth - Jardiniere
Mushroom broth. This was absolutely amazing! There was SO much flavor in this tiny cup of broth and I enjoyed every drop.

California hedge nettle

California hedge nettle (Stachys bullata, Lamiaceae), Purisima Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve.