Grilled lamb chops – La Comete

Grilled lamb chops - La Comete
Cotes d’agneau grillees aux fines herbes. With haricot vert and frites. 12,50€
La Comete, Paris FR

Mmm! While the lamb chops were tasty, they weren’t butchered very cleanly. The cuts looked beat up and a bit ragged and sad. The French fries weren’t as good as those of our previous meal, but at least they weren’t gross and greasy. But I do love green beans!

Wines - La Comete
Red and white wines.

Menu - La Comete

Place Vendome Column

Place Vendome Column. This beautiful column is covered with 425 spiraling bas-relief bronze plates and topped with a statue of Napoleon.

Salade Comete – La Comete

Salade Comete - La Comete
Smoked salmon, mushrooms, tomato, haricot vert, cucumber, hard boiled egg. 9,90€
La Comete, Paris FR

We were searching for an early, small dinner but all the restaurants/cafes were packed. It was such a warm evening that we really wanted to sit outside at a sidewalk table to enjoy the weather and to people watch. Everybody else seemed to eat outside regardless so why not do the same? We walked around for quite some time before we ended up at Cafe La Comete.

Our initial idea of getting a small meal quickly ended when we realized the portions were quite large! The prices were, however, much more reasonable than our first meal in Paris (which I thought was slightly overpriced). The food here was good, but nothing special. I’d never seen a salad completely veiled in thin layer of smoked salmon though – that was new. Our waiter was really cool, a little rough around the edges but friendly and accommodating (and easy on the eyes). We haven’t really had to fumble with our French at all so far since everyone speaks English anyway.

French baguette - La Comete
French baguette. Complimentary

Place setting - La Comete
Place setting.

Jardin de l'Hotel-de-Sens
Jardin de l’Hotel-de-Sens, Le Marais. We were walking around the neighborhood near our hotel and passed by this cute garden with low hedges and beautiful flowers. I also love the red accents on the building’s dormers.