Duck curry – Duck Deli

Duck curry - Duck Deli
Cari vit. With potatoes, and served with fresh basil and French baguette. 75,000 VND
Duck Deli, Ho Chi Minh City VIETNAM

Mmm, this duck curry was SO good. I actually loved all the bones and skin still attached to the duck. It’s so much more flavorful and fun to eat that way. And how can you deny the bread in Vietnam?! I definitely gained a few pounds on this trip.

Bitexco Financial Tower
Bitexco Financial Tower.

Cabbage salad with boiled duck – Duck Deli

Cabbage salad with boiled duck - Duck Deli
Goi vit. With sweet/spicy dressing, mixed greens, and roasted peanuts. Small 125,000 VND
Duck Deli, Ho Chi Minh City VIETNAM

Wow, this was delicious! I wish I knew what all the stalks and shaved stems were, but they all tasted great with the duck and the gingery fish sauce dressing. The duck had pieces of chopped bones in it, but I didn’t mind at all. I always think that bone-in is more flavorful anyway.

Hotel de Ville de Saigon
Hotel de Ville de Saigon (City Hall) and Ho Chi Minh statue.