Ham sandwich – Le Rostand

Ham sandwich - Le Rostand
Jambon. 3,50€
Le Rostand, Paris FR

Omg, I think this was the best food item I purchased under 4 euros! And it was huge! It was an entire baguette stuffed with slices of delicious, tender ham. Noms!

Le Rostand menu
Le Rostand menu.

Beach volleyball in front of Hotel de Ville
Beach volleyball in front of Hotel de Ville (Paris town hall) during Paris Plages 2013.

Lemon basil sorbet – Raimo Kiosk

Lemon basil sorbet - Raimo Kiosk
1 scoop 3€
Raimo Kiosk, Paris FR

I guess this flavor won some contest in Paris for the best sorbet in the city. Hmm, I’m not convinced, lol! This was a little too tart for me, and it was too icy and melted quickly. We went to the kiosk at the Jardin de Plantes so it was at least a really pretty location.

Raimo napkin
Raimo napkin.

The Pantheon
The Pantheon, Latin Quarter. This building now functions as a secular mausoleum containing the remains of distinguished French citizens. It was under construction during our visit.

Cucumber gazpacho – L’Epigramme

Cucumber gazpacho - L'Epigramme
Gaspacho de concombre. Entree/Plat option 24€
L’Epigramme, Paris FR

We came to this randomly located restaurant for lunch because I read good blog reviews for it online. OMG, I’m so glad we did because this was the BEST meal we had in Paris! I will qualify that statement by saying that we really didn’t do any crazy fancy, expensive restaurants because we still had a wedding to attend followed by a London visit. And we knew that our wallets were gonna feel really empty after everything was said and done.

Anyway, L’Epigramme offered an appetizer/entree or entree/dessert option for 24€ OR an appetizer/entree/dessert option for 28€. Because we’re not big dessert people, we had one of each option so that we could at least try one of the desserts. For the quality of the food we received, these prices were amazing!

This cucumber gazpacho was so refreshing and had a wonderful flavor. I think it was beautifully prepared!

Cauliflower spread - L'Epigramme
Cauliflower spread and crostini. Complimentary amuse bouche
We weren’t expecting an amuse bouche, so this was a pleasant surprise. It seemed a fairly simple dish, but it was SO delicious and the texture of the finely chopped cauliflower was great.

Fountain at the Champ de Mars
Fountain at the Champ de Mars. This green space adjacent to the Eiffel Tower is really pretty, but seems SO large on a hot day filled with nonstop walking, lol!