Potluck: Baked zucchini chips

Baked zucchini chips
Homemade in Foster City CA
Danielle P.

Yellowtail crudo – Padrecito

Yellowtail crudo - Padrecito
Mango, avocado, chipotle-agave salsita and blue corn chips. $15
Padrecito, San Francisco CA

Hmm, this isn’t what I expected when I saw “yellowtail crudo” on the menu. It’s ok becuase this actually tasted pretty good. I would have preferred if there was less mango so that you could properly taste the yellowtail though.

Dolores Park
Dolores Park during SF Pride 2013.

Salted butter chocolate chip cookie – Flour Craft Bakery

Salted butter chocolate chip cookie - Flour Craft Bakery
I haven’t had a lot of gluten free cookies yet, but I enjoyed this one. My constant fear for gluten free cookies is that’ll be too dry or have a weird aftertaste. This cookies was still very moist and tasted great! $1.75
Flour Craft Bakery, San Anselmo CA

Shortbread cookie - Flour Craft Bakery
Shortbread cookie. Complimentary
Pretty tasty and free with purchase!

Powder-puff pincushion cactus

Powder-puff pincushion cactus (Mammillaria bocasana var. multilanata, Cactaceae), Kentfield.

Novato Festival of Art, Wine and Music

Moylan's Hefe Weiss and St. Francis chardonnay

Moylan’s hefe weiss beer and St. Francis chardonnary.
Novato Festival of Art, Wine and Music, Novato CA

This was a small but cute festival in downtown Novato. We had gone because a couple of David’s friends were volunteering and we had just had brunch with them. It had a charming small town feel and there was a good variety of booths.

Punch and Judy puppet show
Punch and Judy puppet show by Piccolo Puppet Players.

Kids in self-contained balloon balls
Kids in self-contained balloon balls in water.