Crepes au Grand Marnier – Feria Cafe

Crepes au Grand Marnier - Feria Cafe
Feria Cafe, Paris FR

We came here during a late-ish night of walking around in the perfectly warm summer air. This area was definitely a tourist trap section with packed restaurants and abundant outdoor seating. Our feet were tired and we were hungry so we snatched a seat at Feria Cafe. I guess it’s supposed to be a tapas restaurant, but their extensive menu has a bit of everything to please any tourist who happens to chance by.

I could have ordered Spanish tapas, burgers or any number of random fried food from the menu but I was in the mood for crepes. This was probably not the best place for crepes, but I always cave in to my cravings. I mean, does it really matter if the crepes are horrible if they’re drenched in orange-flavored cognac liqueur?! LOL! Ok, I guess it does because the crepes were still bad. They poured so much Grand Marnier on the crepes that only part of it burned off after they flambeed the plate. It was like eating crepes dipped in pure alcohol. Lame!

Cafe Viennois - Feria Cafe
Cafe Viennois. 5,50€
So this version is apparently more a Wiener Melange (cappuccino) than an espresso con panna (espresso with whipped cream). Oh well.

July Column

July Column, Place de la Bastille. For some reason, I thought that this area would have some kind of Bastille museum, but it’s just a square with a column in the center. It’s also a major roundabout so the traffic is busy.