Beer and cocktails- Cafe Thi

Beer - Cafe Thi
Tiger beer and Saigon beer. I liked all the beers I tried in Vietnam. They were all the on the light side and super easy to drink.
Cafe Thi, Ho Chi Minh City VIETNAM

This bar had some great cover bands play beginning at 10pm! They sang a nice variety of songs that the entire crowd could get into. The acoustics in the place was pretty bad though.

Cocktails - Cafe Thi
Margarita and gin and tonic. The cocktails in Ho Chi Minh as a whole weren’t very good, but Cafe Thi did make a pretty good margarita. It was weird that they served it in a small martini glass though. I need my booze! 🙂

Bonsai planters
Bonsai planters along the Saigon River.