Random grocery store dinner – Safeway

Sometimes I’m so tired from a full day of work followed by a gym workout, that I really don’t want to cook or even go to a restaurant for food. That’s when I swing by Safeway on my way home and grab some cheap and “somewhat” tasty food items. It’s not the best, but it hits the spot and doesn’t break the bank!
Safeway, San Francisco

Rock 'n roll sushi Safeway

Rock ‘n roll sushi. The sushi at Safeway isn’t of very good quality, but it’s passable. Just douse it in more soy sauce and it’ll go down fairly easily, lol!

Maguro nigiri Safeway

Maguro nigiri

Unagi nigiri Safeway

Unagi nigiri

Sake nigiri Safeway

Sake nigiri

Mixed olives Safeway

Mixed olives. You can’t go wrong with marinated olives!